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Your First Spring Garden

doug • Mar 23, 2022

How to Create Your First Spring Garden 

Your First Spring Garden


From genetically modified crops to the environmental and health effects of pesticides, more and more Spartanburg, SC residents are questioning whether they should grow what they eat.

Wherever you stand on the issues surrounding today’s food supply, however, there are several good reasons to start your own garden:

  • You’ll know exactly where your food was grown, and what went into growing it.
  • You and your family can enjoy great-tasting vegetables — better than store-bought, some believe.
  • Many people find gardening provides both physical and mental benefits and gives them an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.
  • Finally, there’s that sense of satisfaction that comes with eating food that you have grown yourself!

Clearly there are plenty of benefits to gardening. But, how do you get started?

Here are some important tips from the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service. This and similar services around the country, provides helpful community resources on agriculture and other topics.


Pick the Right Site For Your First Spring Garden

“Choosing a garden site is as important as selecting the vegetables to grow in it,” according to the OSU Extension website. “All vegetables need sunlight and fertile, well-drained soil. Also they will contract fewer diseases if the site has good ventilation.”

Here’s what to consider before marking your garden plot:

  • Sunlight. Look for a shade-free site. Vegetables need a minimum of six hours of sunshine a day.
  • Soil. How is the natural vegetation? If weeds and grass are healthy on the site, the soil will probably be good for vegetables, too.
  • Surroundings. The roots of trees and large shrubs can suck nutrients away from your vegetables.
  • Proximity.  It’s your first spring garden, make it easy on yourself, with water access nearby. Otherwise, you might be less enthusiastic about caring for your garden.

Choose What to Plant

Check with a local gardening organization or search the Web for what vegetables are best for your specific situation and climate. Here are three factors to keep in mind when you’re getting ready to plant, according to the OSU extension :

  • Season. Plant your seeds at the right time to avoid damage from temperatures that are too hot or too cold. Follow the instructions on the seed packet.
  • Depth. If you plant your seeds too shallow, they can wash away or dry out, but if they’re too deep, they might not come up at all.
  • Spacing. Each plant needs its share of sunlight, nutrients and water. Don’t make them fight for it! Putting seeds too close together usually results in smaller vegetables, too.

Water Wisely


The best way to water is by monitoring your garden, rather than simply adhering to a set schedule. Follow guidelines for your specific plants, and avoid these common problems, as noted by the OSU Extension website:

  • Frequent, shallow watering. This can promote root development in surface layers of the soil, making plants very susceptible to stress and damage.
  • Overwatering. Yes, you can “drown” plants; too much water can leave little to no oxygen in the soil.
  • Postponing watering. Check your plants regularly. If they appear to need water, don’t wait.


For more specific advice on gardening in Spartanburg, SC, check with the local university extension program. And, don’t worry; you don’t have to be an expert to enjoy homegrown food. You just need to be willing to put in a little time and effort — and get your hands dirty!


By Doug Stockman 05 Sep, 2024
As the leaves begin to fall, it's the perfect time to take care of your home's exterior. With winter just around the corner, ensuring your home is well-prepared can save you from potential damage and costly repairs. Here are some essential tips from our team at Select Source Insurance to help you get started: 1. Clean and Check Gutters Fallen leaves and debris can quickly accumulate in your gutters, leading to blockages that prevent water from draining properly. This can cause water to overflow, leading to damage to your home's foundation and exterior walls. Here's what you should do: Remove leaves and debris: Regularly clean your gutters and downspouts. Install gutter guards: Consider adding gutter guards to reduce future buildup. Ensure proper water flow: Check that water flows away from your home to prevent foundation issues. 2. Inspect the Roof Your roof is your home's first line of defense against the elements. Even minor damage can lead to significant issues if left unaddressed. Take the following steps to inspect your roof: Look for missing or damaged shingles: Use binoculars or your smartphone (by taking a picture and zooming in) to check for any loose, curling, or missing shingles. Hire a professional: If you notice anything unusual, contact a professional roofer for a thorough inspection and any necessary repairs. 3. Trim Trees and Shrubs Overhanging branches can pose a serious risk during winter storms, potentially causing damage to your roof or home. Here's how you can mitigate these risks: Cut back branches: Trim any branches that hang over your roof. Remove dead or diseased limbs: Prevent bigger problems by removing any dead or diseased limbs that could fall during a storm. 4. Prep Outdoor Faucets and Sprinklers Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on your plumbing if outdoor faucets and sprinklers aren't properly prepared. To avoid costly repairs: Shut off and drain outdoor faucets: Turn off the water supply to outdoor faucets and drain any remaining water. Insulate pipes: Wrap outdoor pipes to protect them from freezing. Blow out sprinkler systems: Ensure your sprinkler system is completely drained to prevent damage from frozen water. By taking these steps now, you can protect your home from potential winter damage and ensure it remains in great shape all season long. If you need recommendations for local service providers to help with any of these tasks, feel free to Contact Our Business. We're here to help you keep your home safe and secure.
09 Aug, 2024
With the back-to-school season upon us, Select Source Insurance offers a few key safety tips to help ensure a safe and smooth transition for your children. Before School Walking or Biking: Encourage children to walk or bike to school in groups. Equip them with reflective clothing or backpacks and ensure they understand traffic signals. Bus Safety: Review the basics of safe boarding and exiting with your child. Make sure they know their home address. Driving: If you drive your child to school, obey school zone speed limits, follow drop-off procedures, and never pass a bus that is loading or unloading children. At School Contact Information: Ensure your child knows their full name, your cell phone number, and home address. Hygiene: Review proper hand-washing techniques. Personal Safety: Avoid personalizing the exterior of backpacks and other items with your child’s first name to prevent making them vulnerable to predatory adults. Initials or names can be placed inside items instead. Backpack Weight: To promote healthy posture, keep your child’s backpack weight between 5% to 10% of their body weight. Bullying Awareness: Teach your child how to recognize and report bullying. Trusted Adults: Help your child identify a "trusted adult" at school they can approach if they feel unsafe or need help. After School Check-In Routine: If no one is home in the afternoons, set up a check-in routine where your child calls or texts to inform you they've arrived home safely. Consider using a family locator app to track your child’s real-time location. Home Safety: If your child will be home alone after school, establish routines for locking the door and specify who is allowed to visit during your absence. Internet Safety: Discuss internet safety and remind children never to share personal information online. Emergency Preparedness: Ensure your child knows what to do in an emergency, such as where to go during severe weather, where to meet outdoors in the event of a house fire, and who to call if they need immediate help. Remember, precaution is a shared responsibility. Your awareness and thoughtfulness contribute significantly to a safer school environment. For more safety tips or assistance, reach out to Select Source Insurance as the school year gets underway.
By Doug Stockman 10 Jul, 2024
Imagine walking your dog and stumbling upon a piece of history. That's exactly what happened to 12-year-old Rowan Brannan and his mother, Amanda, in Sussex, England. What Amanda initially dismissed as just some old strapping turned out to be a golden treasure from the first century AD! Rowan's adventurous spirit and curiosity led him to discover something truly extraordinary — a 2,000-year-old gold band, proving that sometimes, the most remarkable treasures are just beneath our feet. Here’s the full story: While walking their dog in a field, Rowan picked up what he thought was an interesting piece of metal. Covered in dirt, Amanda thought it was just some discarded strapping, but Rowan had a feeling it was something special. After taking it home and researching how to identify real gold, Rowan became convinced he had found something significant. The true value of Rowan’s find wasn’t confirmed until a chance conversation with their hairdresser, who was into metal detecting. She took a photo of the piece and shared it with a local metal detecting group leader, who suggested they contact a British Finds Officer. The excitement grew as they learned more about the item. It turned out to be an exceptionally rare armilla Roman bracelet, a piece of jewelry awarded to Roman soldiers as a mark of respect and valor. The British Museum confirmed its rarity and historical significance. Rowan’s discovery has been a thrilling journey for the Brannan family, filled with learning and wonder. Amanda shared, “It’s like, ‘Wow, imagine who wore that.’ We’ve had a piece of history in our house.” This story is a beautiful reminder that the world is full of hidden wonders waiting to be discovered. So, next time you’re out and about, keep your eyes peeled – you never know what treasures you might find. If you enjoyed this story, follow and like our social media accounts to stay updated with more heartwarming and exciting tales!
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